Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Invented Sex

Mr. Songz you may not have invented sex, but you damn sure could've invented four play! HELLO! So as we all know, Trey songz debuted his lastest video, "I Invented Sex" on twitter and 106 & Park yesterday. If you have yet to see it, check it out...

So now that it's been seen what are your thoughts? I wonder what the FCC or better yet, the PTC (Parents Television Council) are thinking right now. Trey hunny, we love your voice, we love your style, and your are a handsome man, but has this video taken sexual innuendo too far? Reaction all over the internet has compared it to "soft porn." I understand the concept of the song and how the video reflects it, but was this a wise choice as a single? Don't get me wrong, I love the song, but look at the age range of people in the audience at 106. The first time I watched it, it made me a little uncomfortable. Ok, so you say, "Well look at all these other videos they're playing", and I totally agree, but I'm talking about this one right now (that's a totally different entry... Coming Soon). The video is HOTT, but is it too racey for the audience it's been presented to?